TULIP for Universalists

Believe it or not, I find that there is a little bit in Calvinism to agree with, particularly the fact that they believe everyone whose sins Christ died for will be saved. There are some points where we disagree, however, because Calvinists don’t understand that Christ died for everyone’s sins, so I thought I’d give a biblical alternative to what they refer to as TULIP:

1. Total Sovereignty of God: God is in control of everything that happens, at least from an absolute perspective, although we’re still accountable for our actions from a relative perspective.

2. Universal Mortality and Grace: Mortality has passed on to all humanity thanks to Adam’s sin, and because of that mortality, everyone is guaranteed to sin at some point. However, where sin abounds, grace much more abounds, so every sin has already been taken care of (at least from a proleptic perspective), and all humanity has been promised an eventual experience of general salvation — meaning immortality and sinlessness — because Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day, which is the Gospel/Good News that Paul taught.

3. Limited Special Salvation: While God promises an eventual general salvation to everyone because of what Christ accomplished, He elects to give a relatively small number of people a special, early experience of salvation, known figuratively as “eternal” life (or, more literally, as eonian life), meaning immortal life during the oncoming ages (or eons), as well as possibly getting to rule and reign with Christ in heaven during those ages. (Although, those who are instead saved by obeying the Gospel of the Kingdom — which is the Good News Jesus and His disciples preached during His earthly ministry — will also experience their own sort of special salvation, but that’s a form of salvation meant primarily for the Israel of God which involves getting to live in the kingdom of heaven, meaning Israel during the Millennium, and any Israelite who isn’t included in this will still enjoy the general salvation Paul taught about, although not for a long time.)

4. Inevitable Glorification: Anyone God has chosen for “eternal” life willbe justified and glorified, because the only qualification for this justification and glorification is being predestinated and called by God to believe the Good News Paul preached, which means He will give the gift of faith to believe the Good News to everyone He’s elected for “eternal” life, and once someone has faith, it means they’ve now believed (and hence have now been saved, at least proleptically).

5. Promises will be kept by God: God will save everyone by the end of the ages. This means that each and every human who was made mortal (and hence sinful) because of Adam’s sin will also be quickened (or vivified, meaning made immortal/brought beyond the reach of death/given salvation from a physical, or eschatological, perspective) and made sinless because of what Christ did, although each in their own order (first the body of Christ at the Rapture, then the resurrected members of the Israel of God some time after the Second Coming, and finally everyone else at the end of the ages). So, while only believers will enjoy the special salvation, God will still save everyone eventually.

To learn more about how one experiences the various types of salvation, please read this study: What the Bible really says about heaven, hell, judgement, death, evil, sin, and salvation